Thursday, August 31, 2017

Adams's 36th Law of Social Dynamics

"The only people who don't like hearing the phrase, 'I told you so' are people who are consistently wrong."

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Adams's 1st Law of Mental Health

"The human mind requires attention. You can volunteer that attention when you're sane by making time for rest, creativity, and fun, otherwise, your mind will demand attention by creating insanity."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Adams's 34th Law of Social Dynamics

The more someone reminds you that they are certified, licensed, or trained, the less you should trust them.

Adams's 33rd Law of Social Dynamics

"If your loved ones keep asking if you're in a cult, you're probably in a cult."

Corollary: you can also replace "cult" with "Multi-Level Marketing Scheme" or "Pyramid Scheme."